Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Big Picture

My Official Board of Story-ness.

Yesterday I attended Dr Monique Beedles workshop -  Project Management for Writers. It was a fantastic workshop filled with many tools and tips on how to meld daily life with a writing life as well as figuring out how to squeeze in time for yourself. I wonder how many writers out there take the time to plan out a schedule that is dedicated to writing. I know that when I have a dedicated time slot  allotted for writing, I am more likely to feel in the mood. When I wing it, and fit it in where I can, I often find excuses to not write because so much else needs attending to. 

After doing the workshop with Monique, I am ready and rearing to get on with the tasks. I have a long term and short term map and goals all plotted out on a story board. My head feels lighter and I feel so much more organised and inspired to get on with writing instead of muddling through the quagmire that is my brain when there is no plan to follow. If you have a plan or routine that works for you - I'd love to hear about it. The board includes scene maps. plotting templates, a writing map, word count goals, a plan for the next week and month plus a "free" area to randomly jot general stuff that comes to mind.

After planning my writing life, I realise that blogging everyday is no longer a possibility if I am to achieve my major writing goals so I will instead blog with days that have "U" in them - Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday.  Saturday will be my writing  day off. 

I'm off to plot and plunder the muse...


Rachael King said...

I love it! I tend to work on the 'what needs doing next' and often end up not doing nearly as much as i could or should. Maybe I need a map!

Zen Quill said...

Hi Rachel,

Thanks for stopping by. Yes, the Big Picture is certainly helping me. And its a great visual probe that lurks beside me when I am staring out into space. I catch sight of what's next and it sets the ball rolling subconsciously. Things are miraculously getting done with far less effort on my part. The only effort is a weekly planning session that I do on a Sunday evening with a nice dinner in or out, as a reward.

I wish you Happy Mapping

Zen Quill said...

And apologies for leaving the 'a' out of Rachael!